How to plan your Interrail trip

A step-to-step guide to travel Europe by train

In the train from Ljubljana to Soça valley, Slovenia 2019

Discover the world your way

You want to travel Europe and go to all the beautiful places you have seen all over Instagram and TikTok. But how do you plan to see all your favorite places in the limited time you have? What about the environment? The good thing is: Europe has one of the world’s greatest public transport connections crossing different countries. You could travel by train, bus, tram or ferry across borders. Where do you start planning your Europe trip by train?

Where to start

  1. Make a list of places you want to go to and sights you would like to see
  2. Mark all those places on a map (digital or printed as you prefer)
  3. Connect the markings to form your route
  4. Look for train stations and connections between cities
  5. Plan your travel days ahead
  6. Match your overnight stays with your budget
  7. Book your train tickets and hotels
  8. Start your journey

Travel days

Be aware of your travel days. A travel day consists of 24 hours, starting at 0:01 am on that particular day. If you would like to travel in night trains that is a plus.

Seat reservations

Some international trains require a seat reservation. Check if you need a seat reservation before you board the train. If you aren’t sure whether you need a seat reservation or not, you could always ask at the information counter at the train station. There are different type of train carriages you could choose from, it depends on the type of train. The most common options are open carriage or cabin carriage.

It doesn’t matter if you travel all by yourself, as a couple, with your family or with all of your friends. One of the best things about traveling by train is that you could bring your own food, drinks and snacks.

This is how you travel Europe by train like a pro.

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